
Murasaki shion king
Murasaki shion king

murasaki shion king

  • Come 2022, Aqua has been impersonated increasingly often.
  • The UMISEA Specials take this even further, by having her forcefully get recruited by Hoshou Marine and getting herself involved in all sorts of unpleasant situations.
  • She seems to have a huge habit of ending up the butt of a joke in some way, be it by performing terribly poorly on a common knowledge quiz from Choco to falling to her own traps on a surprisingly regular basis.
  • They also joke that this also affects Aqua herself, justifying her " Baqua" behavior.
  • Brown Note: Fans often joke that the background music she uses for her loading screens rapidly drains the brain cells from her viewers, thanks to the monotonous way on how the recorder is played on the song over and over.
  • Towa and Suisei subsquently described her as a mad dog that they barely keep in check.
  • The Berserker: As a part of Team Startend for what is likely her first and last APEX Legends tournament participation in April 2022, Aqua's experience as a player who climbed up to Master rank on her own on stream is made clear by her incredibly aggressive and reckless solo plays, in contrast to Towa's more weighed callouts.
  • murasaki shion king

    Berserk Button: Don't even think about doubting her authenticity as a maid, because she will shout at you if you do.Unfortunately for her, her own teammates see her as this, and when their team was losing during the item gathering event, Suisei comes to her, armed with two carrots, and starts beating her up for her incompetence. Beleaguered Boss: In the 2020 Minecraft Sports Festival, she is the leader of White Team A (Suisei, AkiRose, Subaru, Rushia, Okayu).

    murasaki shion king

    In other words, she became a Beater for real, just like Kirito. During 2022, Aqua became the official PR ambassador and a beta tester for Sword Art Online: Variant Showdown.For Kirito's birthday in 2021, she tweeted out an edit of herself in Kirito's outfit, and was shocked when Reki Kawahara the author of the light novels replied back and followed her.Ascended Fangirl: It's no secret that Aqua is one of the biggest Sword Art Online fans in the entirety of hololive, and eventually she would receive appreciation back.Angrish: Sometimes delves into screaming and/or unintelligible gibberish when playing rage games like Jump King, or when other players in an online game are annoying her like in her Super Mario Maker 2 streams.Aqua tells her she'd much rather have a cute wife than a husband, to which Kiara very excitedly agrees, saying she feels the exact same way. Aqua then says that Asuna is her ideal wife, to which Kiara asks why she wouldn't marry Kirito instead if she's such a huge fan of his. In addition, when she went onto Kiara's Holo Talk show, she talked about her love for Sword Art Online and especially Kirito. Ambiguously Gay: Her relationship with Shion is very genuine, and many of the other members ship the two because of their relationship with one another, which both of them enjoy.Aggressive Submissive: She has called multiple fellow idols with the express purpose of having them tease her and talk to her sadistically, with varying results.Affectionate Nickname: She is called "Ateshi-senpai" by a few of the other members, due to her twintails looking like an Ateshi/Wooper's antennae.For the most part, Okayu just uses it as a way to tease her or bait her into pranks.

    murasaki shion king

    Abhorrent Admirer: She's incredibly fond of Okayu, wishing that they would get married and generally becoming a giggly, lovestruck mess whenever in her presence.

    Murasaki shion king