The game build suspense in a way that horror films do, it’s that apprehension we all feel when something is about to happen! I was stood at the top of the a stair case and at the bottom a nasty looking ghost that slowly start to climb the stairs.

One scene in particular really frightened me. But not in Pacify, it’s polished, refined and has had genuine care and attention paid to it. I feel indie games get an unfair reputation of being rough around the edges and in some cases that’s a correct assumption. The gameplay for this indie game is great. Which is possible, it took me around 2-3 hours to complete it. It’s a simple concept, but one that’s entertaining enough that you’ll want to complete it in one sitting. Do this enough times and you’ll get to the finish. In order to survive you must solve some simple puzzles, this’ll pacify the ghost and allow you to progress through the game. Once the evil inside her takes over, it will chase you and your friends all over the house. The ghost is actually a little girl that changes between good and evil. It sounds awful when we say it like that. Pacify’s gameplay is all about running from a ghost. Pacify – The main antagonist is really creepy and well designed! Gameplay Here’s some great gaming deals for the Nintendo Switch.You can keep the game fresh by playing a few of the other game modes. It will catch you out a few times so be careful! Once you’ve experienced a few of them, you’ll get used to it and it can become a little mundane. You are most susceptible to the jump scares when you are concentrating so much on a particular item or area of the house. And with that investment comes the scary part, the jump scares. It feels as if you are invested in what’s going on. But the developer has created an intensity to the game which makes it feel really inclusive. Horror games don’t tend to be actually very scary. Pacify gave the initial impression that it was going to be a bog standard horror game. You’ll need to gather up evidence of what is really going on at the house, find keys to unlock rooms and keep the evil beings you come across at bay. We don’t think exploration gameplay elements will ever get boring, because there’s always something new for developers to include in the game, which means there’s alway something for us, the player, to discover! The core gameplay element is a cross between survival and exploration and discovery which is nothing new, but this type of gameplay doesn’t seem over done yet. The difference is that it offered the chance to speak to loved ones that had recently died. In the past, the old spooky house was believed to have been a funeral parlour with a paranormal twist.
The game starts when you begin your investigations of an old spooky (horror movie style) house. (Paranormal Activity Helpers Incorporated). You’ll play Pacify as an employee of PAH, Inc. Let’s hope it’s as good as it looks on paper. The plot synopsis sounds great and for an Indie game the visuals in the screenshots look fantastic. Pacify Review Pacify Review – First Impressions Take a team, and check the place out.So, let’s get into the review and see if this indie horror game is any good.

Plus something about lights, laughter, a girl, missing people, etc. Something about an old funeral parlor offering a last chance to talk to their dead loved ones. There is reportedly an evil inside that house. There probably isn't any truth to any of it. A few kids sneaking around the place claimed to hear laughter and see a little girl in the window. Over the last century, a few people that investigated the incident never returned.

A person from town and the owners of the house disappeared and were never seen again. Something apparently went wrong during one of the rituals. Several people paid for the service, and after some type of ritual, they were able to speak to the dead. The rumor around town is that they also offered a very special service, a way to talk to your deceased loved one on last time. They held normal funeral services such as ceremonies, wakes, cremation and burying the dead.
It was released on Steam for Microsoft Windows on February 22, 2019. Pacify is a multiplayer horror game developed and published by SKH Apps.